07-04-2018 06:38 AM
I am trying to get the whether nodeRef is created or modified or deleted using javascript. To send mail by using rules having subject like Added files into Your folder/ Your folder is modified / Your folder is deleted.Depending on status of node.How'll get by using javascript.
07-04-2018 08:24 AM
I am almost sure you can not identify that, as the rule is simply "executed", but here is no context provided. (if that is not true, and I am going to learn a new hat trick )
If you need different behaviours for different situations, why not simply having two different rules, each of them dealing with the different trigger?
Another option would be developing custom behaviours, where you could be using Java or JavaScript.
07-04-2018 09:35 AM
Now I using different rules for each occurrence,I am check for is there any possibility to do in single rule.
Actually I observed that there is some delay in uploading files after adding notification rule.Is this delay because of email notification before file adding to folder??
07-04-2018 02:27 PM
That maybe the case.
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