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External calls to AOS

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hello community, 

I have a question concerning external calls to AOS (Alfresco Office Services). By external calls I mean a business application that uses Alfresco as a purely backend repository, would like to be able to have an equivalent to "Online Editing" directly accesible in it.

I tried copying the url from AOS into a browser, but it simply downloads the document and it looses all connection with the repository (like off-line editing). 


Does anybody know if there is an URL that opens the corresponding Office Application with the wanted document and keeps the connection with the repository ?

Does anybody have any leads to how AOS does that?



Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

You have just to build the MS URI schemes: Office URI Schemes 

If you peek with the browser developer tools, you can see the uri in the network tab.

Opening (for edit) mydoc.docx from site mysite on my server would be something like

ms-wordSmiley Surprisedfe|u|https://myserver/alfresco/aos/Sites/mysite/documentLibrary/mydoc.docx

View answer in original post


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

You have just to build the MS URI schemes: Office URI Schemes 

If you peek with the browser developer tools, you can see the uri in the network tab.

Opening (for edit) mydoc.docx from site mysite on my server would be something like

ms-wordSmiley Surprisedfe|u|https://myserver/alfresco/aos/Sites/mysite/documentLibrary/mydoc.docx

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Thanks I found that information also shortly afterwords and your example works.

So this solution works for Office 2012 SP2 to 2016 (at least).

Since Microsoft has been known to change this protocol quite frequently  we will see in futur.

I'll attach here the Microsoft description as PDF just in case... 🙂

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Seems to work with the 2010 Edition tooSmiley Happy

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi Martin Ehe‌

This is very nice, and conceptually similar to the online edition with Libreoffice registering webdav protocol.

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