11-28-2017 07:23 AM
I tried to set an evaluator on Surf Extension Modules as :
<!-- Action configuration -->
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">
<content id="xx-product-add" label="com.xx.ged.services.doclib.action.addNewProduct.label" icon="addnewproduct" type="pagelink">
<param name="page">create-content?destination={nodeRef}&itemId=xx:folderProduitType&mimeType=text/plain</param>
<!-- FIXME : this evaluator call doesn't work -->
<!-- Form view for xx-product-add action -->
<config evaluator="model-type" condition="xx:folderProduitType">
My custom evalutor work fine (I tried it on another module. So, the evaluator doesn't take effect.
When I debug this java Class : nether call on documentLibrary.
My goal is to display this button only on Alfresco site context.
Have you some idea?
11-28-2017 08:15 AM
Evaluator doesn't work on all places.In create content you can not use evaluator.
Places on which you can use it are indicator, custom action etc..
11-28-2017 11:12 AM
Thinks you for your answer.
OK. So, in this case, can we choose when display this button with another way?
Or an override is mandatory?
12-14-2018 06:35 AM
Have you find a way to do this? I'm stuck on the same problem.
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