07-10-2018 04:56 AM
I get an error when i use the adf-document-list and adf-upload-button in a specific way in ADF 2.4.
root="Personal Files"
<div class="adf-toolbar--spacer"></div>
this is a standard use of the uploadbutton and document list, with a variable folderId.
When I change the folderId variable:
this.folderId = sitecontainerEntry.entry.id;
i get following error:
ERROR Error: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'null'. Current value: '37a263eb-2f39-4e91-8d56-abb7add18b63'.
at viewDebugError (core.js:9801)
at expressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError (core.js:9779)
at checkBindingNoChanges (core.js:9948)
at checkNoChangesNodeInline (core.js:14002)
at checkNoChangesNode (core.js:13976)
at debugCheckNoChangesNode (core.js:14805)
at debugCheckDirectivesFn (core.js:14707)
at Object.eval [as updateDirectives] (SamenwerkingssiteComponent.html:13)
at Object.debugUpdateDirectives [as updateDirectives] (core.js:14689)
at checkNoChangesView (core.js:13814)
It doesn't matter what my initial value was (in this case null, but it can be -root- or something else), i get the same error.
The upload button still works fine after getting the error, but it's just not 'clean'.
Best regards,
07-10-2018 05:40 AM
Hi David I suggest you to a fast research on the internet and search for the cause of why this thing can happen in your Angular app: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError is a common error.
Angular is checking for the unidirectional data flow from top to bottom. That means that the lower component in the hierarchy should not be allowed to update properties of a parent. Most of the time this error is not reflecting a real issue for real implementation but is difficult to get where it comes from without the rest of your app.Maybe you can give a look to the :
GitHub - Alfresco/alfresco-content-app: Alfresco Example Content Application
07-10-2018 08:11 AM
Hi Eugenio,
I have a simple way to recreate this error in a new app:
app.routes.ts |
{ path: 'test', component: TestComponent, } |
test.component.ts |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ constructor( ngOnInit() { } |
test.component.html |
<adf-toolbar> </adf-toolbar> <adf-document-list |
Best regards,
07-10-2018 08:20 AM
Good article to get more details: https://blog.angularindepth.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-expressionchangedafterithasbee...
Please note that you won't see this error in production mode. So while it is definitely good to eliminate it over time for "clean" results, it should not block you from working on other features.
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