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Resolved! Set bpm:dueDate as mandatory-aspect

Hello, can i set bpm:dueDate as mandatory-aspect in workflowModel file?I tried<mandatory-aspects>                 <aspect>bpm:workflowDueDate</aspect> </mandatory-aspects>and <mandatory-aspects>                 <aspect>bpm:dueDate</aspect> </mandator...

Skyor by Champ on-the-rise
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Move the process to a particular task on event

I am looking for a way to model the process such that in case of event /signal the process should move to a particular task.The only challenge is I don't know what state the process will be in when I receive this event. In a nutshell, I can not add b...

vgaur by Confirmed Champ
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Resolved! lucene Search using a variable

Hello,I need to have a custom javascript for which I need to serach some document name from csv. if the name exist returns true else false.I can loop thorugh the csv but facing issue where I need to serach the doucment by name. I am trying to use luc...

soum201 by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco does not take FTL into consideration

Hello,I have create a new page in this location:/ web-extension / site-webscript / org / alfresco / components / new-page /and it works but when I move my new-page folder to/ web-extension / site-webscript / com / project / components / new-page /new...

ALfreSara by Confirmed Champ
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How can I copy a file to a file share

Hello,I'm new to Alfresco so please bear with me if my question sounds ignorant. In this .net core API project I'm working on I need to copy files on Alfresco to a file share on our network. I was wondering if it's possible to do this? If so, can you...

pshen by Champ in-the-making
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Error status 408 read time out executing script

There is a java script which is executed as a folder rule The script is intended to clean repository// execute a lucene search across the repository for pdf documents in a specific folder created the exact day var docs = search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"/...

duplicate key value violates unique constraint "authority"

Hi,I've been facing problems with Alfresco, it generates duplicate records like these: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "authority";I still don't know for sure what causes this. The events that are reported to me are when the use...

nokinha1 by Confirmed Champ
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