03-29-2017 03:03 AM
I am Adding webscript in my alfresco-4.2.f, but when I refresh websript then it gave me error?
03-29-2017 04:06 AM
Probably your web script description file has an error. But you provide too few informations about your script for successfully analysing it..
03-30-2017 09:06 AM
Martin see the script ----
<script type="text/javascript">
new Alfresco.widget.DashletResiz("${args.htmlid}","${instance.object.id}");
var helloWorldDashlet = new Alfresco.dashlet.HelloWorldDashlet("${el}").setOptions(
componentId: "${instance.object.id}",
greeting: "${greeting}",
user: "${user}"
var helloWorldDashletEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("onConfigClick");
helloWorldDashletEvent.subscribe(helloWorldDashlet.onConfigClick, helloWorldDashlet, true);
new Alfresco.widget.DashletTitleBarActions("${args.htmlid}").setOptions(
cssClass: "edit",
eventOnClick: helloWorldDashletEvent,
tooltip: "${msg("dashlet.edit.tooltip")?js_string}"
cssClass: "help",
message: "${msg("dashlet.help")?js_string}"
tooltip: "${msg("dashlet.help.tooltip")?js_string}
Error is that -- el expression is not defined.Can you suggest me ---
How to implement it?
03-31-2017 07:41 AM
I resolved issue.
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