10-23-2018 07:46 AM
I'ts my firts post here. Thank's in advance.
I have this scenario:
alfresco-aos-module' version 1.1.6.
alfresco-share-services' version 5.2.0
alfresco-login-reset-repo' version 1.1
org.alfresco.integrations.google.docs' version 3.0.4.
org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart' version 5.2.f.
alfresco-share-services' version 5.2.0.
When i edit a document with Edit Offline option in Alfresco Share / Document Library. The message: The document is locked appears, and Version history disappear (good by now), and the document is downloaded locally. But the button Upload New Version don't appear and i can't do it nothing i try to find info about my problem with no luck.
Please, anybody knows what happens to my edit offline option ?
Thank you.
10-23-2018 08:11 AM
Default behaviour for Upload New Version action is defined at:
share/share-documentlibrary-config.xml at develop · Alfresco/share · GitHub
It looks like any of your Share addons is overriding this definition.
Probably you can un-deploy every add-on and redeploy them one by one to identify the problem.
10-23-2018 01:44 PM
Hi Angel,
Ok, i try to un-deploy every add-on, and i'll update asap.
10-25-2018 06:55 AM
Solved, un-deploy and deploy, alfresco-login-reset-repo', solve's the problem.
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