02-23-2022 05:17 AM
I'm in the process of upgrading an installation from 5.2 to 7.1 when I noticed a strange problem. It doesn't seem to affect the server and I can see that it was the same on the old 5.2 server. When using the module browser in share some of the modules appear to be duplicated.
At first, the second line was also duplicated except for version number is 3.0 but in an effort to diagnose this I went into share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module\alfresco-systemmessages-share and changed the name in the module.properties file (The developer of that modules has been lazy and never changed the name before), I also did this manually in share.war.
This is the output of alfresco-mmt.jar list share.war:
I'm rather new to Alfresco so I don't really know where to look next.
02-24-2022 04:54 PM
Possible that you have not updated the name and description in module.properites file. Please cross check once. The messages are default from SDK
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