10-05-2017 09:44 AM
Dear all
Is it possible to add new task variables using java api?
Ex : User task initially has 3 form properties , and using java api we use something like :
task.addFormProperty(Variable_Name , VAriable_Type ,Readable , writable , Required);
So is that possible?
10-06-2017 03:15 AM
10-07-2017 03:17 PM
Thanks for your reply . However this is not my problem . I want to add a form property to a user task or a process variable to a process programaticaly.
Is this possible?
10-07-2017 06:11 PM
Ah I see ,
I am afraid that you only can get the form properties defined in your XML with Java API !
10-08-2017 09:22 AM
Yes , that is true. But there is an approach but i cant get the last step done:
1-Create a user task
2- add your new form properties
3- replace old user task with a new one
I can do 1 and 2 but iam not able to replace the old task with new one.
Do you have any idea?
10-08-2017 09:55 AM
can you explain more ! , what do you mean by replacing , is it completing the old task ? , the new task doesn't belong to any process , do you want to get the task form data of the old one and save it to the new one ?
10-08-2017 11:47 AM
Please consider the following workflow:
Assume that user2 UserTask have initially one formProperty.
The number of form properties i need is dynamic and related to a given input.So, im trying to create new usertask (name: user3) and add as much form properties as i want .Finally i replace user2 with user3 .
I hope you can help
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