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Create XML from node properties

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

It is possible to create xml file from node/document properties? (returned by AWS textract AI)


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

You mean if Alfresco by default already generates an XML for you that complies with some format of AWS Textract? No, not that I know of. Of course you could develop a small customisation / extension which does this.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Thank you for answer!

I have several problems with alfresco intelligence services. I would like to fill my custom model (aspect/properties) with data from AWS (textract custom mapping). For some reason it doesn't work, no errors in log and I dont see properties of my aspect (my:invoices) in digital workspace

after that I need to create an XML file from its properties... is there any quick solution? e.g. execute a script, just as we set up a transformation rule