04-20-2020 10:44 AM
It is possible to create xml file from node/document properties? (returned by AWS textract AI)
04-20-2020 12:31 PM
You mean if Alfresco by default already generates an XML for you that complies with some format of AWS Textract? No, not that I know of. Of course you could develop a small customisation / extension which does this.
04-20-2020 12:51 PM
Thank you for answer!
I have several problems with alfresco intelligence services. I would like to fill my custom model (aspect/properties) with data from AWS (textract custom mapping). For some reason it doesn't work, no errors in log and I dont see properties of my aspect (my:invoices) in digital workspace
after that I need to create an XML file from its properties... is there any quick solution? e.g. execute a script, just as we set up a transformation rule
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