11-20-2019 05:07 AM
I need to create custom properties when I upload file :
const opts = {
name: media.name,
nodeType: 'cm:content',
include: ['allowableOperations'],
renditions: 'doclib'
const nodeBody = {
properties: {
'cm:title': media.name,
'mj:custom1': 'value1',
'mj:custom2': 'value2'
return this.uploadsApi.uploadFile(file, '', this.documentLibraryNode, nodeBody, opts);
But I get this error:
Error: {"error":{"errorKey":"mj:custom1 isn't a valid QName. Namespace prefix mj is not mapped to a namespace URI","statusCode":400,"briefSummary":"10200018 mj:custom1 isn't a valid QName. Namespace prefix mj is not mapped to a namespace
Does-it mean I need to add xml file to tomcat/webapp/alfresco or share repository or something like this ?
Or can I resolve it with alfresco-js-api (adf) ?
How does-it-work ?
Thank you a lot in advance
01-31-2020 03:59 AM
If not already done, then you need to define a custom content model in XML and then bootstrap / load into the Content Repository, either statically or dynamically.
If you already have a custom model then please add it here with any additional boostrap config files (if you're loading statically).
01-31-2020 08:24 AM
In addition, i would also recommend you to go through these tutorials. This turotial would provide you a better understanding on working with custom models. https://ecmarchitect.com/alfresco-developer-series-tutorials/content/tutorial/tutorial.html
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