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Create folders based on timestamp

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

We are planning to migrate around 1TB asssets (mostly images and videos) from a third party system. 

We were reviewing the migration best practices and came to know that files more than 3000 in same folder may hit performance issues and it was suggested to store the files in multiple folders such that the count is always lower than 3000.

What is the best way to automatically create folder when file is uploaded so that files are spread in multiple folders ? We are planning to use bulk import tool but wondering if there is a way to configure bulk import tool to create folders and upload files

Saw some comments on forums that we can use date time based approach same as Alfresco follows for the files stored on filesystem.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

You can customiza bulk import tool.

Other way is Create custom property for document original create/modify date and store.

After that create rule/policy and check that custom property and base on that you can create folder(may be year wise,month wise,date wise ) and move document.

Thanks Sanjay, the document is helpful. Yet to try steps