06-07-2017 06:14 AM
I'm using Springboot to set up my project and @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation. Configurations like datasource, pooling are in application.properties.
But i got error for my test class that activiti failed to find activiti.cfg.xml.
I use @Rule annotation
public ActivitiRule activitiRule=new ActivitiRule();
Please kindly advise how could I proceed.
06-07-2017 04:22 PM
This has been asked previously on stack-overflow at java - Exception when building the ApplicationContext for a JUnit test in Activiti with Spring Boot ... where there is a suggested solution. Please note that I haven't tried this by myself, however looking at it it should work! The question is do you really need to use ActivitiRule? Any reason why you don't want to use the test approach used in activiti-spring-boot-samples/spring-boot-sample-basic at master · Alfresco/activiti-spring-boot-samp... ?
06-07-2017 04:22 PM
This has been asked previously on stack-overflow at java - Exception when building the ApplicationContext for a JUnit test in Activiti with Spring Boot ... where there is a suggested solution. Please note that I haven't tried this by myself, however looking at it it should work! The question is do you really need to use ActivitiRule? Any reason why you don't want to use the test approach used in activiti-spring-boot-samples/spring-boot-sample-basic at master · Alfresco/activiti-spring-boot-samp... ?
06-08-2017 12:31 AM
Thank you so much Ciju, for such a quick response. This addressed my query.
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