04-02-2021 03:29 AM
I am trying to get what exactly the user commented on a node.In Audit REST API there are entries for the creation/update/deletion of the comment but no entries for what the user commented.
What i am getting now is "A user created/updated a comment on a node at this time".
What i am trying to get is " A user created/updated a comment "this" on a node at this time."
Any idea how can I get the actual comment with the action and time of the comment posted?
04-06-2021 12:23 PM
A comment is a node like any other node. It might be instructive to add a comment, then go look at the document you commented on in the node browser.
You should see that the node has a child named "fm:discussion", which is of type fm:forum.
That object will have a child named cm:Comments, which is of type fm:topic.
And that object will have a child of type fmost which is the node that holds the comment.
The fmost object has the creator and created date. And if you look at its text content in the cm:content property you'll see the body of the comment itself.
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