03-13-2018 04:20 PM
We are trying to fetch the list of folders from Data Dictionary. However the CMIS query does not work. Following are the queries we tried.
select * from cmis:folder where CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/cmata Dictionary/*"')
select * from cmis:folder where CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/Data Dictionary/*"')
Can anyone suggest the right query to use
03-14-2018 03:00 AM
This will fetch you all the children of data dictionary folder.
SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/app:dictionary/*"')
03-14-2018 03:00 AM
This will fetch you all the children of data dictionary folder.
SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/app:dictionary/*"')
03-14-2018 03:14 PM
10-22-2021 09:19 AM
Is there a way to get the folders inside too?
10-22-2021 09:53 AM
Sample query with nested folders:
SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/app:dictionary//*"')
Some other approach described by @afaust in https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-forum/get-all-childs-of-a-node/td-p/76864 (using FTS instead of CMIS syntax)
ANCESTOR:"workspace://SpacesStore/b9f46070-fd06-4a72-8389-e3c76ca574a1" AND TYPE:"cm:folder"
10-22-2021 12:24 PM
I made a mistake, I wanted to say documents too and not folders. The title mentions folders/documents but the solution provides only folders.
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