03-07-2018 12:29 PM
I am exploring the addon GitHub - fegorama/alfviral: Alfresco Virus Alert
I am using the COMMAND mode to scan the files for virus.I have the following configuration in alfviral.properties file.
When the following code is executed
logger.debug(" ++++++the value of res is++++++++"+res);
and uploaded a file of mimetype application/x-dosexec,I got the following logs
2018-03-07 19:12:38,753 DEBUG com.fegor.alfresco.services.AntivirusServiceImpl: [Type: application/x-dosexec]
com.fegor.alfresco.services.AntivirusServiceImpl: [Mode: COMMAND]
2018-03-07 19:12:38,753 DEBUG [security.antivirus.CommandScan] [http-apr-8080-exec-10] ++++++the value of res is++++++++127
So,when I have done a little bit of googling,I have understood that 127 is a special exit code which means that the command is not found.
I am surprised that logs are showing that the command is not found because when I have directly run the clamscan on a file,it is working perfectly and showing that the file is infected if the file is infected and clean if the file is not infected.
ayushi@ayushi-GA-78LMT-S2PT:~$ clamscan ~/Downloads/stepup.exe
/home/ayushi/Downloads/stepup.exe: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6431792
Engine version: 0.99.2
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 9.14 MB
Data read: 2.46 MB (ratio 3.72:1)
Time: 13.816 sec (0 m 13 s)
Also,when I have scanned the file with virustotal mode,it is working perfectly.
03-09-2018 05:01 AM
For context of others, I see you've also recently posted related questions such as:
It sounds as if you're getting closer to solving it - please let us know how you get on.
03-09-2018 05:52 AM
I have installed the amps in alfresco 5.2 and keep the following configuration in alfviral.properties file
when I run the clamscan command in terminal,it is working perfectly.
but when I have tried to run the command through java code,it is giving the exit code 127 which means that the command is not found
I have the following code in CommandScan.java class
logger.debug(" ++++++the value of res is++++++++"+res);
and when I have uploaded a file of mimetype application/x-dosexec,I got the following logs
2018-03-07 19:12:38,753 DEBUG [security.antivirus.CommandScan] [http-apr-8080-exec-10] ++++++the value of res is++++++++127
I am surprised that logs are showing that the command is not found because when I have directly run the clamscan on a file,it is working perfectly and showing that the file is infected if the file is infected and clean if the file is not infected.
Can anyone tell me why the clamscan command is giving the value 127(command not found) through the java class but running perfectly through the terminal.
03-09-2018 05:39 AM
Please, test if the call /usr/bin/clamscan is fine!
if not, use:
whereis clamscan
for found this executable.
Best regards,
03-09-2018 05:43 AM
Also, test from command line using the same user as the Alfresco process
03-09-2018 05:56 AM
Fernando González
ayushi@ayushi-GA-78LMT-S2PT:~$ whereis clamscan
clamscan: /usr/bin/clamscan /usr/share/man/man1/clamscan.1.gz
ayushi@ayushi-GA-78LMT-S2PT:~$ which clamscan
03-09-2018 06:22 AM
Please, in java code insert:
logger.debug(" ++++++ The value of command is: " + this.command);
And return this info.
Best regards,
03-09-2018 08:32 AM
when I put this
logger.debug(" ++++++ The value of command is: " + this.command);
the logs are
2018-03-09 19:00:06,535 DEBUG [security.antivirus.CommandScan] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-10] ++++++ the value of command is[/usr/bin/clamscan, /home/alfresco_installation/Alfviral/alf_data/contentstore/2018/3/9/14/46/aeaa46c1-9af5-4d1d-9750-24656ad3da5b.bin]
03-09-2018 08:49 AM
One, exist the bin file?, '/home/alfresco_installation/Alfviral/alf_data/contentstore/2018/3/9/14/46/aeaa46c1-9af5-4d1d-9750-24656ad3da5b.bin'
Two, can you prove without path?, only with clamscan.
Best regards,
03-09-2018 09:48 AM
Yes,the bin file /home/alfresco_installation/Alfviral/alf_data/contentstore/2018/3/9/14/46/aeaa46c1-9af54d1d-9750-24656ad3da5b.bin exists and the clamscan is working directly properly and returning the correct value.
But not through the /usr/bin/clamscan command from java class
And secondly,I don't understand what do u mean by proving without the path.
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