04-19-2018 07:23 AM
I need to place a chart at UI that is loading data from external database. Can I make this without programming? I was looking for some charts dashlet at addons available for Alfresco but I did not find anything.
Ideal will be a dashlet where I can configure DB connections, other options and then see the chart. As I understand I can not use Alfresco reporting because it is nor working against external DB.
Can anybody please clarify how I can make this?
Slava Pedak
04-19-2018 12:51 PM
Without programming, no. At least, I don't know about any dashlet offering such feature.
You will need to implement the connection part into a webscript, using Java, and then having your dashlet consuming the information from the webscript.
04-19-2018 12:51 PM
Without programming, no. At least, I don't know about any dashlet offering such feature.
You will need to implement the connection part into a webscript, using Java, and then having your dashlet consuming the information from the webscript.
05-16-2018 04:38 AM
Answering to myself... I've created charts dashlet that allows you to add charts to Alfresco Share without programming.
Now it is available as addon - EcmComponent Charts | Alfresco Add-ons - Alfresco Customizations
It is not free. Any feedback is appreciated.
Slava Pedak
06-28-2019 03:30 AM
Above link is broken.
Please update the new link.
06-28-2019 08:36 AM
06-28-2019 08:38 AM
That is also not working.
06-28-2019 08:42 AM
In that case, I think you have an internet connection problem, because I have just double checked the link, and it works.
The page is available.
06-28-2019 08:48 AM
That page is available but link on that page is broken.(https://www.ecmcomponent.com/)
06-28-2019 08:51 AM
Ah, now I got it.
Well, that is something I can not help you with.
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