02-12-2018 02:43 AM
I am using Alfresco 5.2 and i have installed the pdf toolkit using,
When i am trying to add signature to a pdf document, it asks following properties which i can't understand.
Private key
If someone can, please help me. (screen shot is also attached).
02-28-2018 08:42 AM
Hello Anuradha! Did you get this information? I have the same doubt.
03-26-2018 07:37 AM
Hi anuradha madhushani
For adding digital signature to a document,you may need to create keystore.p12/certificate file
Try this command to create keystore file
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias <your-alias-name> -keystore keystore12.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass <your-store-password> -validity 360 -keysize 2048
Enter your alias and password and create your keystore file.
Configure signature dashlet and upload the keystore file.
You will have to enter the same alias and password while signing the pdf document.
03-26-2018 05:47 PM
03-27-2018 12:54 AM
Hi Fredy,
We can help you in this regard. Can you please connect to rahul@contcentric.com, my colleague. I have conveyed him the matter.
- Kalpesh
03-27-2018 09:10 AM
Hi Kalpesh,
I just sent the contact to Rahul.
Thank you so much
Fredy Carvalho
04-12-2018 07:49 AM
Please refer the following link to add E-Signature on the PDF Document.
Add E-Signature on a PDF Document | Alfresco Add-ons - Alfresco Customizations
04-13-2018 02:16 AM
Hi Amit - this addon allows you to add a picture of a signature at the end of a PDF, but not sign it using a "certificate" which is what is required for Government submissions etc.
We also tried the signing feature of PDF Toolkit using certificates, but could not get it to work with the Indian Government approved e-mudhra digital signature tokens.
04-13-2018 02:27 AM
Yaa, you are right. It only allows adding a snap of signature on the end of PDF document. I also have the same requirement to add E-Signature on the documents but no idea how it would be possible in Alfresco and if you have, Please address me.
Kind regards,
Amit Kulhari
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