04-21-2017 06:07 AM
When I pull source from GitHub - Alfresco/alfresco-android-app , then I tried run app but some issues occurred
I try Rebuild/Clean project and
can comment
storeCompile project(':extensions:samsung')
in alfresco-android-app\gradle.properties
and comment
include ':extensions:samsung'
but still error ,
Please help me , resolve this problem , thanks all
04-21-2017 08:20 AM
Have you looked at Getting Started · Alfresco/alfresco-android-app Wiki · GitHub ?
It appears you try to build the MobileIron Flavor of the App, so you need to comment also dependencies in mobileironCompile
Hope it helps.
04-22-2017 04:31 AM
I comment
mobileironCompile project(':mdm:mobileiron') and comment mdm:mobileiron(setting.gradle) like this but still error ,
Did I comment correct ?
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