06-12-2017 07:24 AM
how to break a cardinality of subProcess in activiti 5.19.0 ?
lets assume a Subprocess is start with some cardinality lets assume 3.
in subprocess have some userTask . in one user Task have to take decision if user select accepted option then cardinality get break means rest of the process work with one cardinality.
06-12-2017 07:48 AM
What's meaing of cardinality and breaking cardinality?
06-12-2017 08:23 AM
if we create a multi-instance of a task or subprocess then we provide a cardinality.
breaking a cardinality means stop creating multiple-instance of task
06-12-2017 09:08 AM
You can use EL expression of loop cardinality.
If you want to skip tha task of multiple-instance, you should EL expression of loop cardinality and set the variable of EL expression to 0.
In the following example, set the variable 'count' to 0.
06-12-2017 09:16 AM
If you are looking to break the loop when a certain conditions met, use the completion condition attribute "completionCondition". For more details please refer Activiti User Guide: Multi-instance
06-13-2017 04:51 AM
thanx sir its help me alot
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