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Time Controlling bug.

Hello, I am new here and I am just instaling the APS (Installed using Installer). I have process with form where Date Time control I am using which is working. I have exported that app and deployed to APS (Using docker image) but here Date Time form ...

Resolved! Upgrading from SDK 3.0.1 to SDK4

Our team is planning upgrade from ACS 5.2 to ACS 6.2. As a first step, we want to upgrade the development framework (sdk). What are the best practices to follow while upgrading from SDK3.x to SDK4.x? As a test in simply took base code generated from ...

bip1989 by Star Contributor
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APS health endpoint

I want to monitor the status of my APS application. Is there an endpoint I can use to monitor the health, without having to provide credentials? activiti-app/api/enterprise/app-version requires authorization. ChatGPT suggested /activiti-app/app/rest/...

Alfresco keycloak permission

Hello!I already integrate alfresco to my projet with docker , and also integrate keycloak  .. i used basic configuration. so actually i can authentificate to alfresco with my own keycloak instance .  I only use  repository content ( no need for share...

wejden by Champ in-the-making
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Db pool and max_connections for clustered instance

We are using enterprise 7.1 version of ACS with mysql DB. We have 6 nodes in cluster and 3 non-clustered nodes for bulk uploading data. So total 9 nodes working under single DB. Each node has 300 DB pool and 150 max threads at tomcat level. What shou...

VS by Confirmed Champ
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Alfresco not working due to 403 error

Hello,For some reason the Alfresco is not starting. We can only access the login page of share and activity-app but nothing else.For example, if we try to open /alfresco it return 403 page. The admin console is inaccessible as well. It shows 403 erro...

Get a name from the last folder in the site

I have a site with folders like this Requests/Old folder and New Folder. I want to access the folders in Old folder so i use The NodeId of Old folder and list everything in node folder. The "name" part I am looking for is under list/entries/entry. Us...

KT by Champ on-the-rise
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