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Alfresco keycloak permission

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making


I already integrate alfresco to my projet with docker , and also integrate keycloak  .. i used basic configuration. so actually i can authentificate to alfresco with my own keycloak instance .  I only use  repository content ( no need for share at the moment).

My problem is how to manage rights/permission between alfresco and keycloak.

For example , i am trying to send claims  ( json attributes in keycloak), for example (fileid:"11777")  dynamically to my alfresco repository. it shoul be send in the jwt token? how to do it? shall i implement my own addon? 

can u please give me an idea how to do it ? best way to do it? all your advices are welcome!

I already try it addons  but didnt find how to manage claims with it

( done by @afaust )

many thanks