REST Request
Hellowhen i try to get user form this link using rest api 'http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/app/rest/admin/users 'i have the msg {"message":null,"messageKey":"GENERAL.ERROR.FORBIDDEN"}and from the activiti-app i have that (no users)
Hellowhen i try to get user form this link using rest api 'http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/app/rest/admin/users 'i have the msg {"message":null,"messageKey":"GENERAL.ERROR.FORBIDDEN"}and from the activiti-app i have that (no users)
Hello everyone,This is a "part 2" of a previous question I had with problems in translation, Problem with translation.There seems to be a conflict of some sort when use the "alfresco-el" and the "share-el" translation files together.If I only use the...
I am trying to setup email notifications through a gmail account and getting ###ERROR [org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.MailActionExecuter] [mailAsyncAction1] Failed to send email to [CMDbuild] : org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail serv...
while creating a process instacne using runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByID(processDefinitionID,processVariableMap) where one of the variable in the map is like below[{"taskTitle":"Fund Manager Review","FundName":"BlueChip Fund"}]I am getting an ...
Hi,i'm using sdk 3 and i would like to remove logo and title form site dashboard :this is what i try :web-extension/site-data/extension :and this is what i have commented :without succes...Thx
We am writing a utility to update a repeating attribute using DotCMIS. Is there a way to do that using DotCMIS? Below is the C# code that I use for updating a single value attribute.IDictionary<string, object> updateProperties = new <string, object>(...
I'm looking into the rules that can be set on folders for certain events (e.g. file upload) I noticed that one of the rules that can be set runs a custom script:My question is:What can these scripts actually do?
Hi there,I would like to automatically trigger the execution of a Java program as soon as a specific task within a workflow is reached / completed. Furthermore, I need to pass the PROC_INST_ID_ of the current process as a parameter into this program....
Cons. Activiti 5.22:We have a cenralized error handling in Event Subprocessfor catching of errors throwed in end events (of top process).1. Are multiple start error events (catch) in Event-Subprocess allowed ?2. if we use in Event-Subprocess onyl ON...
Hi all,I'm facing an issue with tomcat. When I want to stop/restart the alfresco (community 5+) I've got this message:Tomcat did not stop in time.To aid diagnostics a thread dump has been written to standard out.Killing Tomcat with the PID: 4294The T...
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