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Request mapping with variables in REST call task

The API PUT call I am trying to make definitely works when I am using /api-explorer.html/ or Postman, but when using built-in task it gives me error when executing with status 400.In Request mapping I have selected JSON Template and put ${myVar} in i...

savo by Confirmed Champ
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Reopen the same task id possible?

In our process we have two human tasks A and B...When Task A completes Task B will be created. If Task B is approved Flow ends, where as if Task B is rejected We will re-open the Task A. In the case of re-opening the Task A , Engine by default create...

When service task process work 3 or more hours, Application exception overridden by rollback exception,exception occurred in the EndEvent

Hi, AllI use activiti-5.21 , start process-instances by rest api "RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_PROCESS_INSTANCE_COLLECTION)" and the config as flow:<bean id="parentDataSource" class="com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource" destroy-meth...

Tutorial Maven Project

Hi,Can I have a tutorial to create a maven project with activiti alfresco plug in eclipse, please?Thank you,Valentina

valentinau by Champ on-the-rise
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Can't preview a PDF file "Faild to load the PDF content".

Hello, i'm facing a probleme since 2 dayspecs:   - Alfresco Community 5.2   - OS: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core), and ubuntu 16.04   - Both: Physical or virtual machine.the probleme is i can't preview a PDF file, whene I clic on it an error sho...

amineyc by Champ on-the-rise
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How to use sub process concept

Hello, I have interview process design case as follows  P1  P2  In the P1 process Candidates will Fill Application Form the  HR  will receive application and review application, then submits to Technical Team Approval that is process P2. P2 process s...

amruta_w by Star Collaborator
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