07-10-2018 04:49 AM
I am conducting house keeping on our Alfresco site and need to find which documents are not linked to Moodle and haven't been modified in over 6 months. I think the latter will be simple enough by sorting the search results, however I am struggling to locate the linked documents.
07-27-2018 07:23 AM
So I managed to figure it out, I think. If you search the repositories with the search term -Tags, it brings back everything that isnt tagged. My next quest is to find if the In Moodle tag is added automatically or if it has to be added manually.
07-27-2018 07:23 AM
So I managed to figure it out, I think. If you search the repositories with the search term -Tags, it brings back everything that isnt tagged. My next quest is to find if the In Moodle tag is added automatically or if it has to be added manually.
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