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Forum Posts

Resolved! Can't access Shared Admin Tools

I just started with Alfresco Community 6.1.2. Installed it on a fresh VM running CentOS 7. I differed from the instructions in Tomcat installation; instead of downloading it, I usedyum install tomcat. Then I installed MariaDB, created a database, etc...

hussain by Champ on-the-rise
  • 8 replies
  • 3 kudos

multiple metadata models

Hello,is it possible to use different metadata models? for example to install alfresco enterprise on different managed servers and each server to use a different metadata model and content?thank you

alex_c by Champ in-the-making
  • 4 replies
  • 1 kudos

Zeppelin console not appearing

Hi,I have installed Alfresco 6.1 which is docker based on separate EC2 instances.Also I have installed Insight Engine on docker based separate EC2 instance.I would like to inform here,I have Alfresco and Share installed in one instance and have insta...