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Forum Posts

Monitor the number of concurrent user sessions?

On Alfresco Community (5.2) is there a way to monitor the number of concurrent user sessions? One of our instances is getting low performance, and I suspect it is due to high user load. I would like to confirm this assumption.Thanks!

villdre by Confirmed Champ
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Impossible to show the content of Trashcan - Error loading items

Hi,Sorry, my english is very bad.I have an issue when I try to show the content of trashcan.My version is : Community Edition 5.2.0    Alfresco Share v5.1.g    (r128321-b8, Aikau 1.0.67, Spring Surf 5.1.g, Spring WebScripts 6.7, Freemarker 2.3.20-alf...

kirm by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti x Alfresco Tutorial and Samples

I would like to know if there is any application development tutorial in Activiti using the activiti-app and integrating the activiti stream in the alfresco ecm. Could you send me examples or links where I can find tutorials for this? Thank you

Why don't processes execute?

Hello,I am running the activiti cloud runtime bundle starter and I'm trying to create a process instance (to start a process).I have the process definition exported from the modeler app which uses I can successfully deploy the process defini...

Alfresco Community Edition with Elastic-search?

I have started working on Alfresco community edition some months back. I have integrated Alfresco with Java-based web application using CMIS client. I have one query related to SOLR and elasticsearch. I would like to use ELASTIC SEARCH for document i...

Book Module in Alfresco

I want to store a manual which will be shown manual on UI. This manual will have various chapter and subchapters. Each chapter and subchapter must be a word document stored in Alfresco.How can I model this? Experts, please provide the solution for th...

rohit9637 by Star Contributor
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How to redirect URLs using a webscript in Share?

Hello,Right now, user in the Alfresco Share sends HTTP GET requests directly to another server.Because of that, it is easy get unauthorized data.How could I create a webscript which will redirect HTTP requests and responses between Alfresco Share and...

upforsin by Star Collaborator
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Hide Start Workflow Action for Collaborator and Consumer

Hi All,I could hide Start Workflow for consumer by adding following in share-config-custom.xml<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">   <actions>      <action id="document-assign-workflow" type="javascript" label="actions.docume...

Read an Excel file in a java action

I have to read the content of an excel file in a java backed webscript because I need to save the rows in a table in my database. The problem is that when I execute my action I just have a node and I don't know hoy to convert it to a excel file to us...

germangq by Champ on-the-rise
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