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Forum Posts

People dashlet

Hello,I would like to create a simple dashlet that lists users based on their name.Can you please advise me/show me a simple example?

mirak by Champ on-the-rise
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Unit tests without start the repository

I share with you a library that allows you to run unit tests without needing to have an active ACS or APS. The mechanism is to use alfresco mock services to reach your implementations such as workflows, webscripts or actions and test them quickly. Si...

Cannot deploy Activiti Cloud on AWS using Amazon EKS

Hello everyone. I hope that you are having a great day.I'm trying to self-host Activiti using a kubernetes cluster as per the instructions here. Everything goes smooth: the resources are created in AWS and listed through the CLI tool, nginx is instal...

aavilap by Champ in-the-making
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Reporting discovered security vulnerabilities

Hello, I've identified a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Alfresco Content Services(latest). I've attempted to report this through the Hyland Community, but I'm unable to access it and consequently, can't get in touch with support. Is the...

by Not applicable
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Alfresco Community v4.0 (2012), Ubuntu 12.04, Mysql 5.5

Hi AllI'm not joking... the title is real...I'm in a company where I have found that someone here before me created this my boss asked me to upgrade it or migrate it...the question is simple... is it possible to export/dump an Alfresco v4.0...

szorzella by Champ in-the-making
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