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Forum Posts

Admin password randomly gets changed!

Greetings,I'm using Alfresco 6.2.0-ga (Docker installation) in my VPS. It's running smothly but I always have this issue with my admin password gets changed randomly, and I have to reset it everytime from the Database.I'm the only one who have the ac...

Awby by Champ on-the-rise
  • 9 replies
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Resolved! Empty contentstore generator

Hi!Please help find a script to generate test contentstore base on existing database with empty bin files. I believe it's exist and I saw the project on github. But I cant find it today Thanks,Serge

fedorow by Elite Collaborator
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  • 5 kudos

.SOFFICE.BIN killing my server

Hi!All the time this process for libreoffice killing CPU server and cause same erros with edit with microsoft and preview docs...I tried same tutos on web about it but nothing works...Anyone knows how to solve it?SO: CentOS 7

nokinha1 by Confirmed Champ
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New User Registration

This addon adds new button to login page that allows users to create new account in Alfresco. Also there is way to configure account validation by using "User registration configuration" page that administrators could find in "Admin Tools". In addi...

alfresco by Elite Collaborator
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Multi User selector in form

Hi all,I need to implement a form where the user can select one or more users to be the assignees of a User Task. In the form editor there is the control "People" but it allows you to chose only one user. Is it possible to make it a multi-user select...

Alfresco tests with junit

Hi all, here you can find an interesting library to test our components directly through junit without restart the alfresco serverHere some guide to test simple components, workflows and webscripts:

Resolved! Trying to generate war for Alfresco and share using sdk4

As the title, I tried generating war files from sdk 4 project of ours. But I couldn't get to it. Looks like we can only get amp or jar. we have a standalone machine where we setup acs 6 standalone and we have to deploy war files to the standlone serv...

venur by Star Contributor
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Resolved! How to configure CORS in ACS 6.2.2?

Hi, I have an instance of the Alfresco Content Services 6.2.2 (Enterprise).I'm trying to configure CORS like in previous ACS versions.As follows in web.xml: <filter> <filter-name>CORS</filter-name> <filter-class>com.thetransactioncompany.cors...

jmal by Champ in-the-making
  • 3 replies
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Content Transformation Error

When i upload a plain excel file to the documentlibrary, document preview is working. After (online) editing the file 2-3 times, the preview stops to work and says, that it is unable to generate the pdf.Within the logs the following error is thrown:2...