Hello, I would like to know if I can download an older version of a document in Alfresco
Example, I'm already going for version 3 of a document x, but I need the first version of this document, I can get it somehow
Example, I'm already going for version 3 of a document x, but I need the first version of this document, I can get it somehow
Hello,given any document/folder in a repository, is it possible to know if there are links pointing to it?I see that, if linked, a document acquires the aspect "app:linked", but I cannot see any additional information.I guess that Alfresco keeps trac...
I am following Jeff Pott's intro to web scripts, and I have a simple Java service that simply logs to the logfile whatever I put in a message parameter. My descriptor looks like this:<webscript> <shortname>Post Logging message</shortname> <...
Hello,I want to import a large number of peer-to-peer associations (more than a thousand associated nodes to primary file) in one transaction and the operation is rollbacked. No errors in the log. The import took several minutes.Is there some Alfresc...
Hello,During filling of DB for the purpose of performance tests I have realized that DB size is quite bigger then I would expect, then I have found that its the indexes which takes cca. 3x more spaces than the data itself. By default, for every prope...
Ciao a tutti, volevo sapere se qualcuno ha già installato alfresco 7 community con docker ed ho alcune domande- E' consigliabile mettere tutto sulla stessa macchina così com'è utilizzando il docker-compose di base?- E' possibile mettere un'istanza do...
what is system require of the latest version of alfresco?
Hello,I use Angular 7.2, adf-content-services 3.5.0, adf-core 3.5.0 and js/api 3.5.0I use the following alfresco composent in a angular component:<adf-userinfo class="adf-app-layout-user-profile" [menuPositionX]="'before'" [menuPositionY]="'above'"><...
Please take a look at the below findings. In summary, the problem is in the query itself due to the datatypes that are defined in the ACTIVITI V6.0 tables.The following tests were conducted on ACTIVITI V6.0 DBExisting query took 9 minutes 53 seconds ...
Hi,I'm trying to attach file(s) to a process using the Create Process Attachment component.I hardcoded the process instance ID to test it:<adf-create-process-attachment [processInstanceId]="177501"> </adf-create-process-attachment>Instead of the drag...
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