Get the count of association for a document
I need to get only count of association for a document which is highlighted in the below image.Is there a way to get only count using Java Webscript?What class we need to implement to achieve this?
I need to get only count of association for a document which is highlighted in the below image.Is there a way to get only count using Java Webscript?What class we need to implement to achieve this?
I'm running into an issue with the REST API where it appears it can view, but not update residual properties. I have a residual property app:counterValue on a node in my repository:{ "entry": { "aspectNames": [ "cm:auditable" ...
I was wondering if there is an option to hide empty System or Custom Smart Folders automatically?I created a Smart Folder hierarchy similar to the claimsApplication.json from the Smart Folder tutorial.It's working fine but in my use case, a lot of fo...
Hi, I'm new to developing in ACS; When I try to start up a local instance of ACS, which the was base on All-In-One (AIO) project for SDK 4.0, and the ACS built based on image pull from docker hub - alfresco/alfresco-content-repository:6.2.0, I got 2 ...
Can someone point me to an example of sending an email in Alfresco. I do NOT need to know how to configure it. I found 100 examples of configuring, but I cannot seem to find an example of acually sending it. In fact, I know that it is configured...
I am looking into how Alfresco Community might integrate with Okta OIDC to deliver SSO. I would be grateful for help finding resources on this subject.
Hi All,I have a couple questions related to The Alfresco Community Edition 7.0 so i need your help to succed this try. So, i've installed it and i can't test configuration of these points mentionned below:1. Email notification2. User access to direct...
Hello,I'm trying to change the default property mappings on PDF metadata extraction, as explained on the official documentation:
Hi, I'm new to developing in ACS; So when I try to start up a local instance of ACS, which the was base on All-In-One (AIO) project for SDK 4.0, and the ACS built based on image pull from docker hub - alfresco/alfresco-content-repository:6.2.0, I got...
HI , just started out with Alfresco so please be gentle .Been trying to tget the Alfresco process service app working (version 1.4) from the google play store , but i have had no luck getting it to work. Been entering in this infoconnect to http://**...
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