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Forum Posts

Resolved! [Alfresco 5.0.d] 100% CPU usage and Read timed out error

Hi,in a production environment (Alfresco 5.0.d, SOLR4, 8 Core, 20 GB RAM) suddenly we're experiencing an annoying problem: Cpu usage is costantly 100%. This error appears on Read timed out at java...

jonnypa by Champ in-the-making
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How to log in and redirect to page using one url

Hi,I would like to see content of pdf file via alfresco CMIS 1.0 AtomPub Service Document.When I enter this link: http://localhost:8081/alfresco/s/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/26b11458-5059-48dd-989d-9183f8e9d025/name_of_file.pdf to my brow...

Sorting the Tags List in the Document Library sidebar

I am an administrator of an Alfresco Site, not a developer.  In our Document Library, we have tagged documents, but notice that the Tags list presents as an unsorted list in the Document Library sidebar. Is there any way for an administrator to re-so...

ThereIam by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Alfresco Community 7.0.0 AOS issue

Hi,I'm testing Bitnami Alfresco Community 7.0.0 and it is working well then I installed Alfresco Office ServicesWhen I'm logged in Alfresco and trying to edit an Office document by Edit in Microsoft Office

rivorazaf by Champ on-the-rise
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disable alfresco services and modules

Hello, I have an alfresco 4.2 server that is only used to upload files and rescue them through their UUID, there are no searches, no users, only systems that upload files and then read them through CMIS. What would be the minimum that should be worki...

MrNico by Star Contributor
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Hi,Can we use uploader plus in Alfresco enterprise 6.1.0 and 6.1.1.  kindly let me know is there any license to be purchased for using uploader plus. Kindly let me know if we can add tags also with uploader-plus.

logu_paps by Champ on-the-rise
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