02-01-2017 02:33 AM
Our alfresco is deployed on Amazon AWS instance as a service. so to start alfresco we are starting below services.
sudo systemctl restart tomcat-alfresco
sudo systemctl restart tomcat-share
sudo systemctl restart tomcat-solr
Now our issue is, whenever we do deployments, logs are removed and created new each time , instead it should append logs. We have not modified any log4j configuration as it is default configuration.
So each time we start services, after sometime I am able to do tail -f catalina.out , as initially it says file not found.
Any specific configuration we need to perform to retain logs ?
02-01-2017 06:32 AM
Without knowing how your service units have been setup / defined it is next to impossible to help you. There could be any number of cleanup routines in the service unit.
03-07-2017 05:32 AM
thanks, by the way I came to know that apply_amps.sh script contains code to remove that part.
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