05-03-2018 09:17 AM
We are integrating Autostore 7 with Alfresco 5, we had trouble connecting and found out supported Alfresco version is 4, I think it is because V5 doesn´t have explorer, but not sure, so we used Webdav method to transfer files, end usere wants to connect directly to Alfresco, Nuance says connector is developed by Alfresco not them, so my question is if there is an update on when this connector will be available or if it is even in the development road map.
05-03-2018 10:58 AM
I don't think that Alfresco is developing a connector for Nuance. In any way, in the official documentation Alfresco 5 is supported for Autostore 7: https://www.nuance.com/content/dam/nuance/en_us/collateral/imaging/data-sheet/ds-nuance-autostore-ro...
Probably they are using a CMIS Connector, and you'll have to adjust the Alfresco URL endpoint.
05-03-2018 11:02 AM
Ups: http://dl.nsiautostore.com/swupdates/7.00/AutoStore%20Administration%20Guide.pdf
They are using Alfresco SOAP API, which was discontinued in Alfresco 4.2
So it looks like AutoStore 7 cannot be integrated with Alfresco 5 at all
05-03-2018 11:25 AM
Thanks Angel, I will check with Alfresco user, I was told by Nuance they don´t develop the connector, reason why I posted this question.
"Thank you for contacting Nuance Support. The Alfresco connector is not developed by Nuance/eCopy, but is instead developed by Alfresco themselves. I recommend contacting them for compatibility information."
I will check with user and run some tests according to your recomendation to adjust the URL, configuration of alfresco connector in Autostore prompts me to enter server address and URL which by default is /api/*, I am able to connect but unable to transfer AS output to Alfresco, using Webdav connector I can successfully publish in Alfresco.
05-03-2018 11:39 AM
You cannot use Autostore 7 with Alfresco 5, as SOAP WS API was removed in that version. It looks like Autostore 7 requires this removed API to work.
05-03-2018 02:00 PM
What about for example using FTP or Webdav connectors from Autostore ?
05-03-2018 02:11 PM
Thanks cesarista we have actually done that Already, using webdav connector works And I am able to publish autostore output to alfresco, I am not sure if it provides the same features and results aqs when using the Alfresco connector itself, anyhow the user is conditioning the use of autostore to the possibility to connect directly to Alfresco not using an alternate webdav.
05-04-2018 02:55 PM
I think that Alfresco SOAP API connector was more functional while webdav and FTP protocols provides a "more standard" basic access. FTP could be considered quite unsecure, but Webdav can be used over https even in Internet. AFAIK, the power of Autostore is precisely in the step after, in the preparation of the content to upload. You lose probably some metadata actions, that could be changed by custom content rules that set custom types, adds aspects on creation, extract some metadata from file names or perfoms some logic depending on the upload folder (for example, set a given state).
05-06-2018 01:15 PM
Thanks Cesar, indeed we may lose some functionality by not using the Alfresco connector, I proved my customer Webdav provides pretty much what they need including metadata extracted by OCR from the document and deliver it in an XML file along with creating folders and renaming the file based on extracted data from the document, however this particular customer wants for some reason use the specific connector, I think the default URL Autostore uses to connect is no longer in Afresco or it has been modified, I will do mor research to see if using a different URL works, question is what URL this could be, I ama not so familiar with Alfresco, but with Autostore.
05-06-2018 01:35 PM
As I said before, Alfresco SOAP has been discontinued for Alfresco 5. So there is no URL you can use to configure Autostore 7.
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