07-19-2018 02:15 AM
I've created an apsect with 3 properties.
For each 3 properties I add :
<index enabled="true">
I've modified the share-config-custom.xml and I see all properties in form, but when I search a document using my aspects properties, I have no results, 0 documents retreived.
I work on Alfresco 5.1 community version
Thanks in advance
07-19-2018 05:03 AM
Dumb question, but just to make sure: Did you actually apply / add the aspect to any document / node in the Alfresco Repository?
Since you have specified text properties as tokenised "false", you will only be able to match values when your search input matches the existing metadata values from the beginning, and without applying any stemming / fuzzy matching. Tokenised "false" is useful primarily for exact identifiers, like serial numbers / IDs. For other metadata you may want to default to "both" in order to support partial matching.
07-19-2018 05:30 AM
Thanks for your answer
I did apply aspects and set the properties to 3-4 documents.
To be honest I didn't really know what tokenised is used for, so thank you for these informations
I've just followed the sample of ACME content type and I noticed that it is used.
07-19-2018 03:51 PM
To be sure: How did you search ?
You mentioned "Advanced Search", do you expect to see your custom ACME properties in Advanced Search form ? Or do you expect to see those properties as filters in faceted search ? Did you configure those facets ?
If you do nothing, try using @acme:documentId:"value" syntax directly in the search field .
07-20-2018 12:45 AM
In my share-config-custom.xml file:
<form id="search"></form> in which I specify the properties of my custom model type and my aspect
I've started all over.
I've modified the ACME model type and the share-config-custom.xml :
Here are my custom models
<type name="my:doc">
<title>Document </title>
<properties />
<type name="my:IT">
<title>Documents IT</title>
<property name="my:ITservice">
<title>Document Identification Number</title>
<index enabled="true">
<constraint ref="my:listITservice"/>
Here is my aspect
<aspect name="my:identificationAgent">
<title>Identification Agent</title>
<description>Identité de l'agent</description>
<property name="my:numAgent">
<index enabled="true">
<property name="my:nomAgent">
<index enabled="true">
<property name="myrenomAgent">
<index enabled="true">
07-20-2018 04:05 PM
When I get results, documents are not displayed.
I have a message that tells that n documents have been found but The application doesn’t display the documents
help please
07-21-2018 09:05 AM
In my maven environnement, when I use advanced search on a custom model type, I get this type of message :
2018-07-21 17:00:06,487 WARN [repo.jscript.ScriptLogger] [http-bio-8080-exec-9] search.lib.js: Skipping node due to exception when processing query result: TypeError: Impossible dappeler la méthode "{1}" de {0}
2018-07-21 17:00:06,488 WARN [repo.jscript.ScriptLogger] [http-bio-8080-exec-9] ...workspace://SpacesStore/264d08ab-aa6c-47aa-b610-df06de4f5fc3
07-23-2018 12:06 AM
For the last error message : for my tests, the documents weren't uploaded in document library ([ALF-21709] Advanced Search doesn't show results - Alfresco JIRA )
07-23-2018 10:15 AM
Do you see some warning or error logs in SOLR logs (solr.log) ? May your model definition be registered in an older version ? Did you try a full reindex ?
- Performing a full reindex with Solr for Alfresco ECM - zylk
07-24-2018 12:43 AM
Thanks for your answer but during the week end I've restarted from the begining and it looks like it works
But it's weird because on my maven environment, I get 0 result while using advanced search on my custom properties but when I deploy on my server, I get restults !
When I deploy my package (./apply_amps.sh) I get some errors in the catalina.out file that I don't understand :
org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig processAnnotationsJar
GRAVE: contextConfig.jarFile
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /app/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/ XXXXXXX
And the XXXXXXX is for a lot of jar files (more than an hundred) such as : proton-j-0.7.jar , xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar, spring-social-facebook-web-1.1.1.RELEASE.jar, spring-security-core-3.1.7.RELEASE.jar, gdata-docs-meta-3.0-1.47.1.jar, javax.mail-1.5.5.jar, camel-jackson-2.13.2.jar, cglib-2.2.jar, cxf-rt-frontend-simple-3.0.10.jar, spring-surf-core-6.12.jar ....
Could you tell me why do I get those messages ?
Moreover, could you please tell me the best practices for deploying custom model : I will certainly have to change my custom model to add types, aspects or properties.
How do I apply the evolutions of my custom model on my "production" server ? Do I just get amps files from maven and deploy them ? Shoud I desinstall my first amps before deploying the new ones ? How does the application manage it ? What about the content which use the "old" custom model ? Should I full reindex ? IWhy can I not see my custom model from amps in the model manager ?
What did you mean by "May your model definition be registered in an older version" ?
I'm sorry but I'm totally newbie
Thanks again for your help
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