04-23-2018 03:43 PM
I'm using APS 1.8.1 and ADF 2.3 although I've seen the same in APS 1.7 and ADF 2.2.
I'm having a problem with the APS visibility rules not executing within ADF.
When running in APS, it works fine. The visibility rules execute as they should. When I run in ADF, however, they work fine during the Start New Process event but once they enter the User Task, they no longer work.
Is there a setting I am overlooking in the ADF set up to allow these rules to execute? I'm certain they used to work fine in previous version of ADF.
04-23-2018 03:50 PM
Also - The console does not display any error or anything at all when changing the values in Dropdown A.
04-24-2018 05:11 AM
can you please open an issue in the github repo so that we can investigate it?
04-24-2018 07:24 AM
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