04-10-2017 10:25 AM
when trying to compile the android alfresco client, using gradle its after android sdk 1.5. Was wondering if there are plans to push the sdk to maven so that it simplifies the build process? I realise you can download the sdk, and compile ourselves, which is what I have done to get around this, but if it was pushed to maven it would make life a lot more simple for developers.
04-11-2017 04:13 AM
We are at the final sprint before releasing the next version of our APP & SDK.
We have merged our current dev branch (1.5) into master and that's why now it's officially available.
But it doesnt mean we have release it officialy yet and make it available in our maven repository as we might fix few bugs before release.
So to answer the question yes we will release artifacts in our maven repository soon. Theres always a period where it's available on github repo than available on maven repo.
Thanks for your support.
04-11-2017 04:20 AM
Hi Jean Marie, ah ha, excellent stuff, I was able to build the alf-beta, once Samsung, and Hockey app bits were commented out, and built the sdk locally, will keep an eye open for the maven sdk, thanks for coming back to me, cheers
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