07-09-2020 12:07 PM
We just installed Alfresco Share v6.2.0 using docker and it doesn't have option to add a new site even as the main Administrator user. Can you advise here? In the logs I see this:
share_1 | esign-cert-share AMP project,, Manages the lifecycle of the esign-cert-share AMP (Alfresco Module Package)
share_1 | Alfresco / Google Docs Share Module, 3.1.0, The Share side artifacts of the Alfresco / Google Docs Integration.
share_1 | share-site-creators-share AMP project, 0.0.7, Hides all "create site" links from all users except those belonging to a specific group.
share_1 | OOTBee Support Tools - Share Module,, Addon to enhance the Repository and Share Admin Console/Tools with new tools and make tools previously exclusive to the Enterprise Edition addon Alfresco Support Tools available in Community Edition
share_1 | share-site-creators-share AMP project, 0.0.7, Hides all "create site" links from all users except those belonging to a specific group.
share_1 | simple-ocr-share Share Jar Module - SDK 3, 2.3.1, Share JAR Module (to be included in the share.war) - SDK 3
UPDATE: solved by assigning SITE_CREATORS group to the user
07-10-2020 05:17 AM
Hi @zwt,
Well done for figuring it out - not immediately clear is it!
I'll mark this as solved.
07-10-2020 05:17 AM
Hi @zwt,
Well done for figuring it out - not immediately clear is it!
I'll mark this as solved.
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