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Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Alfresco-inboxes implements an inbox view on top of Alfresco's documents. An inbox is a container of documents that helps a user organise his or her work. At its core, an inbox is defined by a CMIS query. An inbox is meant to be dynamic - a document stays in an inbox until the user performs an action - e.g. an approval or a rejection - that moves the document out of the inbox. Inboxes are a great tool to organise workflows: a document appears in an inbox, the user takes an action, the document moves out of the inbox, maybe to re-appear in another user's inbox for a different step of the workflow. Features:

  • Customisable list of inboxes
  • Groups of inboxes
  • Customisable results view and action buttons
  • Friendly URLs
  • Internationalisation (i18n)

The plugin is developed using Share's new Aikau framework. The project is hosted on GitHub and distributed under an open-source LGPL license. Documentation:

Ownersoftwareloop _

Community 4.2.x

License TypeGNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
Project PageHome · softwareloop/alfresco-inboxes Wiki · GitHub 
Download PageGitHub - softwareloop/alfresco-inboxes: An inbox plugin for Alfresco implemented using the Aikau fra... 
TagsAikau, CMIS
Component TypeAction
Extension PointsPublic API, Share Custom Page, Share Web Script
InstallationAMP, Build
ProductsShare Web Client
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