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Alfresco fails during wizard install at Postgres create user on Ubuntu

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have a new server running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.  I downloaded and ran: alfresco-community-installer-201701-linux-x64.bin.  I have tried running it as a user, which owns the install directory and as root, both fail at the same step.


0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

########################################Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete


Error running /opt/alfresco/postgresql/bin/createuser -p 5432 -U postgres

--no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole alfresco: createuser.bin: could not

connect to database postgres: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user


Press [Enter] to continue:


Does anyone know how to either, have this not fail, or correct the issue.  The wizard is installing a fresh postgresql version during the wizard process, so this is not an issue with a prior postgresql install.  I see others have this same issue, but I have not found a solution on Ubuntu.  


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Do you already have a postgres user on the system? If so, maybe it has a password set? Have you tried deleting that user before running the install?

The installer should work fine and typically does--I've used it multiple times with 16.04. Although it would be nice to get it to work in your case, here are a few alternative ideas:

1. Try using Peter Löfgren's install script: GitHub - loftuxab/alfresco-ubuntu-install: Alfresco script based install for Ubuntu . It works with 16.04.

2. Install Postgres ahead of time using apt. There is nothing particularly magical about letting the installer set up postgres for you, although it is convenient. Plus, if you are going to have other software on that machine that requires a database, you'll want it to be separate anyway.

3. Use Postgres on a separate server. Honestly, you'll eventually do this anyway. Might as well do it from the start.

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World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Do you already have a postgres user on the system? If so, maybe it has a password set? Have you tried deleting that user before running the install?

The installer should work fine and typically does--I've used it multiple times with 16.04. Although it would be nice to get it to work in your case, here are a few alternative ideas:

1. Try using Peter Löfgren's install script: GitHub - loftuxab/alfresco-ubuntu-install: Alfresco script based install for Ubuntu . It works with 16.04.

2. Install Postgres ahead of time using apt. There is nothing particularly magical about letting the installer set up postgres for you, although it is convenient. Plus, if you are going to have other software on that machine that requires a database, you'll want it to be separate anyway.

3. Use Postgres on a separate server. Honestly, you'll eventually do this anyway. Might as well do it from the start.