05-29-2017 05:22 AM
I'm using the last Alfresco Community.
I need :
1- removing provided workflows (5 one exept the empty)
2- Creating my workflows using activiti and deploy them into alfresco.
For the task 1 :
- I can just undeploy them, but when I restart tomcat they are redeployed !
- I don't found where they are stored (DB, xml file ?) I found just the two last one (web ..)
For the task 2 :
I'm able to create my workflow but to deploy them in Community.
When reading official doc it seem to be based on Entreprise edition not community. For example section about Workflow and activit integration.
Do you know how to integrate activiti to be a link in Community as in Entreprise ?
Thanks !
06-05-2017 01:59 PM
06-05-2017 01:59 PM
Try this tutorial http://ecmarchitect.com/alfresco-developer-series-tutorials/workflow/tutorial/tutorial.html
11-25-2024 07:16 AM
Okay, I have followed this instractuions but i have no luck, i deploy my bmpn process there, but they don appear there, and then when i try to delete the sample-porcess-bpmn20.xml, i got error that /alfresco 404 page there is no this service, and even customize the file, where the defenition of beans are alive is still has an error, 404
Probably i followed the wrong direction in that tutorial?
Still not understand, even i develop something in Alfresco SDK Maven, how can i deploy this developed stuff in my production ?
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