12-29-2017 03:48 AM
Dear team,
I have already installed the pdf toolkit 1.4.0 using both share and repo amp files. But when i try to do insert, or split or any other operation it gives an error message (When i try to insert a page to a existing pdf, it says "The insert operation failed"). I have tried various options to solve this issue but non of them are worked.
I have run aply_amps.sh with -force as https://github.com/ntmcminn/alfresco-pdf-toolkit/issues/23 described. But it also not worked.
Please can anyone help me?
05-21-2018 04:18 AM
What are the configuration issues you had fixed?
I also having the same problem in Alfresco Community Edition 5.2 - PDF toolkit 1.4.0 and myself new to alfresco.
Sorry for my bad english.
12-29-2017 04:53 AM
Is this pdf toolkit compatible with alfresco 5.2?
12-29-2017 12:25 PM
I have confirmed that the latest PDF Toolkit, 1.4.1, works on Alfresco Community Edition 201707 (5.2.g) running on CentOS 7.4.
Can you share the full stack trace from the log?
01-02-2018 01:25 AM
Yes, it supports. I think i had some configuration issues and now it fixed. Pdf tool kit works totally fine.
Thank you.
05-21-2018 04:18 AM
What are the configuration issues you had fixed?
I also having the same problem in Alfresco Community Edition 5.2 - PDF toolkit 1.4.0 and myself new to alfresco.
Sorry for my bad english.
08-28-2018 07:43 AM
Did the PDF toolkit works with non-administrator users, (no ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATOR group)?
08-28-2018 07:52 AM
Permissions are defined at https://github.com/ntmcminn/alfresco-pdf-toolkit/blob/master/pdf-toolkit-share/src/main/amp/config/a...
It looks like permissions are associated to Sites Roles.
08-28-2018 08:33 AM
I have a user with Site Manage Role, but only adding to ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS Group make effect.
On page of toolkit says that is feature available for ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS only. Is this correct?
In alfresco-pdf-toolkit-extension.xml file i can see, that plugin available for SiteManager, SiteCollaborator, SiteContributor groups I understand this correctly?
But i found this limitation in pdf-actions.xml.
08-28-2018 11:12 AM
You say:
On page of toolkit says that is feature available for ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS only.
What page is that? I can not see anything like that in the official project's page.
08-28-2018 10:23 AM
Can i use this file drectrly without editing?
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