06-04-2018 05:18 AM
I am using ADF 2.3.0 and ACS 5.2.1 and using <adf-content-metadata-card> component to list all properties of a node.
Also, configured contextRootEcm to use a different context in app.config.json which is
When I click on 'More Information' on the properties tab, it does not work. Checked browser console. The context does not set here whereas it perfectly works across adf application.
Not sure why this behavior, maybe context is hard-coded here. See screenshots attached for details.
Can you please check and confirm? Thanks.
06-04-2018 05:41 AM
Instead of changing the context root in the JS-API you can change the ACS url in the `app.config.json` file (ecmHost)
06-04-2018 05:56 AM
Hi Denys,
Yes, I changed both host (ecmHost) and context (contextRootEcm) in ''app.config.json'' only.
The application works absolutely fine. I am able to authenticate, navigate, perform actions on node, etc. all good.
The only thing that does not work is when I click on 'More Information' available in adf-content-metadata-card component. In the browser console, I get --404 Not Found-- and when I check the REST URL, it does not have the context as set in app.config.json. Hence, it fails.
06-04-2018 09:03 AM
Can you try only changing the ecmHost value? typically you should not be changing contextRootEcm if you have correctly configured repository URL
06-04-2018 10:38 AM
Hi Denys,
Denys Vuika Andras Popovics
I know the default context of the repository URL is 'alfresco'.
However, the context of our repository is 'alfresco/content'. This is configured based on organization standards.
Therefore, we have set the context to
Now, our adf-application works perfectly fine. Authentication, navigation, document list rendering, node actions(copy, move, delete, lock/unlock, etc) all works fine. The REST URL for these has the context as 'alfresco/content', so it renders the service fine.
But this is not the case when the application tries to get More Information in adf-metadata-card-content component.
The REST URLs built here does not take the configured context into consideration. Instead, it keeps the default.
06-04-2018 09:12 AM
Can you please give us a little bit more of the context? Which is the request exactly which gives you 404?
06-04-2018 10:54 AM
Hi Andras,
Requests which gives 404 when ''contextRootEcm'' is set to have a value other than default(''alfresco'') context are:
There is one other request for custom aspect, that also fails. I have not included that.
I guess these requests are based on older REST APIs as I could not find any on Alfresco Content Services REST API Explorer
06-04-2018 11:10 AM
May I ask you, whether you have Share or not?
Those API endpoints I'm afraid only accessible if you have Share.
06-05-2018 02:24 AM
Hi Andras,
We are using Angular based ADF UI.
One of the OOTB ADF components that I have used is Content Metadata Card Component
Those API endpoints are requested through this very component. We have not done any changes to it.
06-05-2018 02:34 AM
Andras Popovics I think the 'getClass' has different context root hardcoded and it needs to be fixed: alfresco-js-api/ClassesApi.js at development · Alfresco/alfresco-js-api · GitHub
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