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add a custom property to the "Cancel Editing" action of share

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

hi, i need to retrieve on my java code (with alfresco sdk) when the action "Cancell Editing" of alfresco share is launched , unfortunately i can't distinct from other updating actions like "rename the document", i try to find a aspect or a property combination for filter the actions between them but i failed, for example for capture "offline editing" a ction i use the property "workingCopy" for track that action. I think the most easy solution it's to add a custom property to the "Cancell editing" action for be sure to capture that , it is possible? how can i do that ? i make a research on the web but i not found solution to these my problem so ty in advance to any help.



Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

There are specific policies you can implement in custom behaviours to react to checkout / checkin events. Try the BeforeCancelCheckOut / OnCancelCheckOut class policy to react to any checkout being cancelled even if it is not being triggered from the Share interface.