09-30-2018 05:23 AM
in alfresco and activiti...
i had been search the internet for activiti-share-connecter.zip file.. can someone help me where i can find it.
or help me with something that i can use to connect activiti to alfresco share..
10-01-2018 06:32 AM
You need to be an Alfresco Enterprise customer to use the Share Connector. It can be found in the Alfresco Support / Customer Portal for download. Please note that the Share Connector is no longer a supported module from Alfresco 6.0 onwards (AFAIK), and you are generally supposed to integrate Content Services and Process Services using a custom ADF-based UI.
10-01-2018 06:32 AM
You need to be an Alfresco Enterprise customer to use the Share Connector. It can be found in the Alfresco Support / Customer Portal for download. Please note that the Share Connector is no longer a supported module from Alfresco 6.0 onwards (AFAIK), and you are generally supposed to integrate Content Services and Process Services using a custom ADF-based UI.
10-08-2018 04:25 AM
Thanks for the feedback
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