04-23-2021 01:53 AM
I am using Activiti 5.15.1 version.
currently, i have faced one issue with activiti framework is i create one workflow definition and my system task job execute 20 min late after start node executed.
I have check act_hi_actinst table entry for the same and start node execute at 2021-03-30 05:23:56 and system task name "status to open" execute at 2021-03-30 05:43:59.
My configuration contain multiple Activiti engine for process.
Can you suggest what is the issue here and what is the solution for the same?
why this job execute after 20 min?
04-24-2021 02:46 PM
It should be instantaneous unless you have added any custom logic in your start task.
Check if there are no other listeners or hooks added related to your start task. Any info in logs?
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