12-12-2017 03:14 AM
Hello Team,
I am using Activity 5.22.0.
I noticed that group_id_ and task_id_ are not captured in act_hi_idenitylink table When task is assigned to candidate.
12-14-2017 05:04 AM
Does it get assigned in the runtime equivalent for that history table i.e. in act_ru_identitylink ? And if so do they later get set in act_hi_idenitylink (e.g. after completion)? I presume you're looking to use the information in a service task and finding that you can't get it. Some relevant parts of the v5 code to look at are Activiti/ClaimTaskCmd.java at 5.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub and Activiti/DefaultHistoryManager.java at 5.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub . This seems to be implemented quite differently in v6. This is the command class in v6 features Activiti/ClaimTaskCmd.java at 6.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub which calls Activiti/TaskEntityManagerImpl.java at 6.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub
12-14-2017 06:09 AM
Hello Ryan,
let me explain you in detail.
i have assigned task from user_task to user and i have noticed below details from act_hi_identitylink and act_ru_identitylink:
1. when task captured in user_task --> no group_id and task_id captured. type_ is candidate
2. i assigned particular task to user --> no group_id and task_id. type_ is participant and user_id_ is captured
above results are same even after task completed.
is it a bug ?
12-14-2017 07:00 AM
Oh I see, the record is created but those two field are not populated.
My sense is that it's correct that the group_id is not populated. I believe this is because the user might have multiple groups could qualify them for the task and they might also be a candidate in their own right rather than through the group. It's therefore not clear what we should want for group in every case.
I am less sure about whether it's a bug if the task_id is blank. I suspect that this doesn't get populated there because it is instead recorded elsewhere - presumably in ACT_RU_TASK and ACT_HI_TASKINST?
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