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Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

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The official documentation is at:

Preference Service3.0

Preference Service

* Get all preferences for a particular user
* @param  userName                     the user name
* @return Map<String, Serializable>    a map containing the preference values, empty if none
Map<String, Serializable> getPreferences(String userName);

* Get the preferences for a particular user.

* If no filter if provided all preferences are returned.
* <p>
* If a filter is provided it's used to filter the results.  For example the filter
* 'alfresco.myComp' will only return filters that are in the 'namespace' alfresco.myComp.
* @param userName                      the user name
* @param preferenceFilter              the preference filter
* @return Map<String, Serializable>    a map containing the preference values, empty if none
Map<String, Serializable> getPreferences(String userName, String preferenceFilter);


* Sets the preference values for a user.
* Values provided overlay those already present.
* Preference value names can be 'namespaced' by using package notation.  For example
* 'alfresc.myComp.myValue'.
* @param userName      the user name
* @param preferences   the preference values

void setPreferences(String userName, Map<String, Serializable> preferences);


* Clears all the preferences for a particular user.
* @param userName      the user name

void clearPreferences(String userName);


* Clears the preferences for a particular user that match the filter optionally provided.

* If no filter if present then all preferences are cleared.
* @param userName          the user name
* @param preferenceFilter  the preference filter

  • /

void clearPreferences(String userName, String preferenceFilter);

Preferences Aspect

<aspect name='cmSmiley Tonguereferences'>

      <property name='cm:preferenceValues'>
