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Star Contributor
As we progress with testing Alfresco 4.2 in preparation for an upcoming Community release and Enterprise releases later this year, we have been looking at how we can preserve compatibility with the rich set of add-ons that our partners, customers and community members have built on top of Alfresco.

I was one of the judges on the Dashlet Challenge for the last two years, and it's great to see how this list has grown in the last two years. But we want to make sure that as many of these continue to work on the upcoming versions of the platform.

So as a first step, we've been taking a look at a selection of the popular add-ons listed on Alfresco Add-ons, which at the time of writing stands at around 270 projects.

It's been hard to filter down this list to get a reasonable cross-section of the add-ons out there in the ecosystem, but initially we've taken a sub-set of projects based on a few criteria such as

  • Which are the most popular add-ons?

  • Which are stated to work on Alfresco 4.0 and 4.1, but not 4.2?

If you're an add-on developer you can help us in several ways

  1. Make sure your add-ons listings are up-to-date, in particular with regard to the Alfresco Versions that they work against

  2. Please let us know of any particular issues you have faced when deploying your own or others' add-ons on recent versions of Alfresco 4.2. Ideally you should point us to a bug report on the add-on project's issue tracking system, with the full details.

You can leave a comment below if you'd like to feed back any info. We hope to be able to post some initial results from our testing in the next couple of weeks.